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A great video lecture conducted by experienced physics teacher on 12th class physics chapter 12 topic12.1 coulombs law. Get full understanding or ask any questions.

Coulomb's Law, ch 12, lec 12.1, Coulomb's Law - Inter Part 2 Physics


Introduction & paper pattern, ch 12, lec 12.1, Coulomb's Law - Inter Part 2 Physics


Coloumb's law, ch 12, lec 12.1, Coulomb's Law - Inter Part 2 Physics


Coloumb's law, ch 12, lec 12.1, Coulomb's Law - Inter Part 2 Physics


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Mehreen shared a post link.
Jun 05, 2020

Sir your lectures are awesome 👍👍👍👍

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Arman Respected Sir,I have a question.....According to Coulomb's law,like charges repel each other....then how can atom form an ionic bond or covalent bond since they carry same charge???? shouldn't they repel each other????I implore you to guide me......
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Azlan Welldone physics sir you are great nice lectures