You can find all about BISE Abbottabad 9th class roll no slip on this page. Abbottabad board, officially known as BISE ATD, is an educational board in the abbbottabad region. This board was established in 1990. Areas that are under the jurisdiction of BISE Abbottabad are the District of Haripur, Abbottabad District, Mansehra District, Battagram District and Kohistan District. Responsibilities of this board include issuing 9th class roll no slips, arranging the exams, and publishing the final results. Thousands of students appear in the 9th class exams of BISE Abbottabad. Students who study all year long for the final exams are very happy when they get their 9th class roll no slip.
9th Class Roll No Slips Issued By BISE Abbottabad
- Credentials of the 9th class students are written on the slip.
- It is mandatory for the students to appear in the exams with roll no slip.
- Abbottabad board 9th class roll no slip provides the location of exam center.
- All details necessary to follow in the exam center are provided on this slip.
- The slip printed by Abbottabad board enables students to attempt exams properly.
Abbottabad board is one of the major boards of Pakistan. Over the years, the board has arranged exams of 9th class for hundreds of thousands of students. Their methodologies to arrange and conduct the exams have been proven successful. The board issues 9th class roll no slip every year for the students of the 9th class. This slip is very important for the students as it enables them to appear in the exams. In case a student does not get their roll no slip, they can contact the board to get their roll no slip. If you have received your roll no slip but it has some errors, file a complaint in the board office for the reissuance of your 9th class roll no slip.