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BISE Lahore Board announces the roll number slips for all the 9th class students every year. Students wait the whole time for the news of the announcement of the 9th roll no slip. But how the 9th class roll no slip became so important for the students of the secondary level? The reason is quite simple. BISE Lahore has made it compulsory for the students to appear in the exam centers with their roll number slips. The roll no slip is the proof that a student has been allowed by the BISE Lahore to appear in the 9th class exams. No student can attend the 9th class exams without the roll number slip, no matter how well-prepared he or she can be for the exams.

Prominence of the 9th class roll no slip


  • Complete credentials of a student are mentioned on the roll no slip.
  • The examination center of a student is printed on the roll no slip.
  • The specific dates for the exams are mentioned on the roll no slip.
  • Important guidelines of the 9th class exam are mentioned on the roll no slip.
  • The method of filling the bubble sheet of MCQs is provided on the roll no slip.

Usually the 9th class roll number slip comes before a week or two before the commencement of the 9th class exams. The roll no slips also enable the students to prepare for the exam in the order mentioned on the roll number slip. However, chances are that some students might find errors in their roll no slips regarding their credentials and their examination group. In such cases, students can contact the BISE Lahore to apply for correction in their roll no slips. Students are advised to keep their roll no slip with them in each paper.


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Sultan jutt shared a post link.
Aug 09, 2021

Rool number alip