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09 October, 2020 Views 215

Study Options For Pre-Engineering Students After Intermediate

Students who take the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics courses in Intermediate fall into the Pre-Engineering group. Pre-Engineering students have to cover a long syllabus that enables them to choose from many of the available courses in their Bachelor's studies. Students who appear in the Entry tests for engineering programs and secure high aggregate usually choose the B.Sc. Engineering programs. But what are other choices for students who either cannot achieve high aggregate or want to study programs other than engineering? We'll try to cover this question in this post.
1. BS Physics
BS Physics is a 4-year degree program that is offered in almost all public and private universities of Pakistan. This program enables the students to have a strong grip on the basic concepts of Physics and study advanced courses as well. This enables the students to apply their understanding to excel in the field of Physics. Physics graduates use mathematical tools and computer programming languages to solve many real-world problems. Students interested in the applications of Chemistry can fuse their understanding of Physics and Math to study Materials science, nanotechnology, or Nuclear Physics at the Master's level.
2. BS Mathematics
Most of the Pre-engineering students find it difficult to understand and grasp the concepts of Calculus and Trigonometry. They often ask for the reason why they study these chapters in the first place. But when they get to study in the Bachelors’ classes, they understand the fundamental essence of mathematical thinking to all sciences. Students can choose a 4-years BS Mathematics program to understand how math plays a major role in the development of Physics, Computer Science, Economy and almost every other discipline.
3. BS Computer Science
A very popular option among Pre-Engineering students is the 4-years Program of BS Computer Science. Students who choose this program learn the theory of computation and understand how computer algorithms and software play the most-essential role in this digital age. As computer programs allow researchers to collect and understand the data in any field of research, you can choose your favorite field of study and start developing software for that specific field. Another great option for computer science students is to research about the automata theory or other advanced philosophical problems of Computer Science.
4. BS Chemistry
Drawing all the diagrams of different compounds and understanding the chemical reactions becomes the favorite thing for many students in the Pre-Engineering level. Such students can choose to study the outstanding 4-year program of BS Chemistry. Students of this program get the opportunity to study the fundamental chemical interactions and the advanced reactions that constitute and maintain our universe. BS Chemistry program offers Physical Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, and Bio-Chemistry to future chemists.