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When the new academic session of the intermediate class starts, the very first question from students’ side is that when they would appear for their final examination. If you are also one of those students then you are advised that you have to keep the focus on your studies at this stage and the board of education will issue 1st year roll number slips before commencing the finale examination session. However, we offer a general idea to students that they would appear for their part I final examination in April. The session takes almost 02 to 03 weeks to be accomplished. 1st-year students, after completing their exams, are advised to start the 12th class session, and almost within 03 to 04 months the inter part I result is announced.

Uses Mirpurkhas Board Roll Number Slips

Roll number slip at the intermediate level of education is of great value. Students, first of all, get a reminder that when the exams are going to be commenced. Then students get the complete instructions on the roll number slip that what to do in the examination hall and what should not do in the examination hall. Roll number slip provides a specific and unique roll number to students that makes them different from other students.

Tips To Appear Safely For Exams

The very basic tip for students is to check the 11th class roll number slip that whether the given information is correct or not. If you find any information wrong then try to make it correct before the exams. Then students are advised to read out all the given instructions on the inter part I roll number slips carefully. Students must also bring the roll number slips to the examination hall.