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Question: 1
What is catalyst
Answer: 1
Change the speed of chemical reaction without undergoing any chemical change in structure.
Question: 2
Define Genome
Answer: 2
All the genes present in a cell
Question: 3
Write the names of three main types of cells in blood.
Answer: 3
There are three types of blood cells.
Question: 4
What do you mean by catabolism.
Answer: 4
Catabolism is a catabolic reaction in the result of which the complex organic molecules are broken down into simple molecules. Catabolic reactions release energy. This energy can be used in several biological processes.
Question: 5
What is Genetic engineering
Answer: 5
A technique to transfer genes from one organism to another.
Question: 6
Which tissues store fats in human body.
Answer: 6
Adipose tissue store fats in human body.
Question: 7
Define Biochemistry
Answer: 7
The study of biochemical reactions in living organisms.
Question: 8
What is antibiotics
Answer: 8
Chemical compound obtained from microorganisms and used to control infectious diseases caused by bacteria.
Question: 9
What is recycling.
Answer: 9
To produce new products from useless wastes or rubbish.
Question: 10
Define Maltose
Answer: 10
It is disaccharide sugar produced by digestion of starch
Question: 11
Write the functio of blood.
Answer: 11
1- Blood transport digested food and oxygen to the cells of all parts of the body.
Question: 12
What is transgenic organisms.
Answer: 12
Organisms, which have foreign gene one called transgenic organism.
Question: 13
Define fatty acids.
Answer: 13
Organic acids having hydrocarbon chain and released on hydrolysis of fat.
Question: 14
Define Genetic enginering.
Answer: 14
Genetic engineeringis a set of technique to transfer genes from one organism to another. Individual genes can be cut off from the cells of one organism and inserted into the cells of another. The genes from differnet sources can be combined in a test tube and then transferred into living cells. This technique is caled genetic engineering.
Question: 15
Define Enzymes
Answer: 15
Enzymes are bioligical catalysts. A catalysts is a substance which can change or speed a chemical reaction.
Question: 16
Write the impotance of recycling.
Answer: 16
1- Reduction in rubbish to control environmental pollution.
Question: 17
Define Catabolism.
Answer: 17
Catabolism is degradative metabolism in which compled organic molecule are break down into simple molecule. These reactions release energy whichis used in many biological processes.
Question: 18
Write the methods of disposal of rubbish.
Answer: 18
1- Compost of natural fertilizer
Question: 19
Difference between Plasma and Serum
Answer: 19
The fluid part of blood with out blood cells is called plasma. Clotting protein from plasma then the remaining fluid is called serum.
Question: 20
Define Metabolism
Answer: 20
The sum of all chemical reactions taking place inside the cell of animals, plants and other organism is a collectively called metabolism.
Question: 21
Explain the role of enzymes in our daily life.
Answer: 21
Enzymes play an important role in our daily life. They are useful in industry enzymes are used in chemical and pharmaceutical industry. they are used in cheese production. Enzymes are commonly used in food processing industry. The enzymes papain is obtained from papya and is used as a meat tenderizer.
Question: 22
Define Vaccine
Answer: 22
Vaccines are harmless form of disease causing microbes that stimulate teh immune system.
Question: 23
Define Anabolism
Answer: 23
Anabolism is a synthetic metabolism in which larger biological molecules are build from smaller one.
Question: 24
Define Co enzymes.
Answer: 24
Some enzymes need other compounds to complete catabolic reactions.These are called co ensymes. Co enzymes are non proteins substances.
Question: 25
Write the types of metabolism.
Answer: 25
There are two types of metabolism reactions.
Question: 26
Define Blood group.
Answer: 26
Human blood appears simply same but chemically people have different types of blood.
Question: 27
Define ABO system of blood.
Answer: 27
The human blood is divided into A,B , AB and O group on the basis of antigens and antibodies and is called ABO system of Blood.
Question: 28
What is DNA replication.
Answer: 28
when a DNA molecule produces another molecule like itself then this process is called DNA replication.
Question: 29
Write the components of blood.
Answer: 29
1- Blood cells
Question: 30
What is Rh System of blood.
Answer: 30
Second blood group system called Rh system.
Question: 31
What is DNA.
Answer: 31
Bulding blocks are present in pairs and form double helical molecule called DNA.
Question: 32
What is nucleotide.
Answer: 32
DNA is made up of buildings blocks or units called nucleotide.
Question: 33
What is blood cells.
Answer: 33
1- Red blood cells
Question: 34
Define Genes.
Answer: 34
The special parts of DNA has coded information and these parts are called genes.
Question: 35
Define cloning.
Answer: 35
The cloning on the production of genetically similar individuals has already been carried out for sheep and human being.
Question: 36
What is Genome
Answer: 36
A set of all the gene is a cell is called genome.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions