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An important facility for 9th class students preparing for short questions general science 9th class chapter 6 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 9th general science
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Question: 1
What is green house gases.
Answer: 1
Gases in the atmosphere that trap heat.
Question: 2
What is wildlife.
Answer: 2
Naturally occurrig organisms of an area.
Question: 3
What is global warming.
Answer: 3
An increase in earth's surface temperature caused by increase in green house gases.
Question: 4
What is Atmosphere.
Answer: 4
An envelope of gases that surrounds earth.
Question: 5
What is Ozone
Answer: 5
A gas containing three oxygen atoms per molecule.
Question: 6
Define Chlorofluorocarbon
Answer: 6
A compond of carbon, chlorine and fluorine used in refrigerators, air conditioners, aerosol cans, and in the production of foam.
Question: 7
Write two methods of conservation of natural resources.
Answer: 7
Two methods of conservation of natural resources are
Question: 8
What is smog.
Answer: 8
A mixture of nitrogen peroxide, water vapour and some other gases.
Question: 9
Define Recycling.
Answer: 9
Production of new useful articles form used materials.
Question: 10
Define Fossil fuel.
Answer: 10
Fuel derived from the remains of organisms that lived long ago.
Question: 11
Write names of the four layers of atmosphere.
Answer: 11
1- The Troposphere
Question: 12
Define Pollutatns.
Answer: 12
Any excess or waste substances that causes pollution is called a pollutant.
Question: 13
Define The troposphere.
Answer: 13
The trospere extend to height of about 18 km above earth's surface.
Question: 14
What is depletion of Ozone layer.
Answer: 14
Certain chemicals are released from coolant like refrigerator, air conditiners,spray cans and factories manufacturing packing foams. These chemicals are caled Chlorofluorcarbns.
Question: 15
Write composition of atmosphere.
Answer: 15
1- 78 percent nitrogen.
Question: 16
Write two methods of wildlife.
Answer: 16
1- wild life maintain the balancve in nature.
Question: 17
What do you mean by earth's atmosphere.
Answer: 17
Atmosphere is an envelope of gasses that covers the earth from all sides, it is about 200 km thick
Question: 18
What is stratosphere.
Answer: 18
Above teh troposphere teh stratosphere reaches the height of 50 km from sea level. Most jet airplances travel in lower stratosphere.
Question: 19
What is Mesosphere.
Answer: 19
The mesophere extends about 8.5 km above earth's surface. This is the coldest layere of the atmosphere. The temperature in the mesophere can be as low as - 100 oC
Question: 20
What is Acid Rain.
Answer: 20
Oxides of sulphur and oxides of nitrogen in air cause acid rain, which damages plants, aquatic animals and buildings.
Question: 21
Defien Ozone Layer.
Answer: 21
Ozone is a gas present in the upper part of stratosphere it forms a protective covering around the earth.
Question: 22
What is Thermosphere.
Answer: 22
The thermosphere is teh outermost layer of atmosphere It extends about 600 km abvoe earth's surface It is the hottest layer, where temperature may be as hihg as 2000 oC
Question: 23
What is Natural gas. uses of natrual gas.
Answer: 23
Natural gas is a mixture of different gases including methane, etheane, propane etc.
Question: 24
Define Petroleum and uses of Petroleum.
Answer: 24
Petroleum is a liquid fossil fuel.
Question: 25
Define air pollution.
Answer: 25
Air pollution occurs when a chagnes occurs in its composition or quality of the additon of different gases, smoke and particles.
Question: 26
Define Fossil Fuels.
Answer: 26
Coal, oil and gas are called fossil fuels and are used for transport, powere generation agriculture and industry.
Question: 27
Write types of pollution.
Answer: 27
1- Air or atmospheric pollution.
Question: 28
What is coal and uses of coal.
Answer: 28
Coal: It is one of the oldest sources for obtaining thermal power.
Question: 29
Define Ores.
Answer: 29
Mostly minerals are in rock form. The rocks from which minerals can be obtained are called ores.
Question: 30
What do you mean by endangered species.
Answer: 30
Organisms, which are threatened of entinction, are called endangered species.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions