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An important facility for 9th class students preparing for short questions general science 9th class chapter 4 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 9th general science
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Question: 1
What are fat soluble vitamins.
Answer: 1
The vitamins the dissolve in fat soluble vitamins e.g. vitamin A, D.E. and K.
Question: 2
Describe the impotance of sodium and potassium.
Answer: 2
Sodium and Potassium play very important role in generating nerve impules. Sodium and chloride control different function of body.
Question: 3
Name the factors on which the energy need of a human being is depend upon.
Answer: 3
Energy need of a human being depends on many factors i.e. rate of basal metabolism.body weight, sex. age. climate condition and physiologicla condition.
Question: 4
What is the role of Iron in the body.
Answer: 4
Iron is a part of hemoglobin which is a transport protein and helps in the transport of oxygen to all the body cells. Deficiency of iron leads to anemia.
Question: 5
What are ductless glands.
Answer: 5
Ductless glands are such glands, which do not have their own ducts or tubes. They directly pour their secretions in the blood. They are also called endocrine glands.
Question: 6
What are the basic componets of food.
Answer: 6
1- Carbohydrates
Question: 7
Write about first aid in snake bite.
Answer: 7
1- Tie up the arm or leg rightly with some rope or cloth or that poision may not move further.
Question: 8
What is aging.
Answer: 8
Man after completing allthe stages of childhood and adolescence gradually enters the youth age. At this stage certain negative changes start occurring in its body and the rate of catabolism exceeds the rate of anabolism. this leads to weakening of the body and it becomes difficult for the body to cope with negative external and enternal changes. The phenomenon of getting old is called as aging.
Question: 9
What are gonads.
Answer: 9
The sex organs are called as gonads.
Question: 10
Define Harmones.
Answer: 10
These are teh chemicals messengers screted by the endocrine glands and transported through the blood to their site of action.
Question: 11
Which disease is caused by dog bite.
Answer: 11
Question: 12
Which is the role of insulin
Answer: 12
Insulin control the sugar level in the body
Question: 13
What is endocrine system.
Answer: 13
Endocrine system comprises of ductless glands, which secrete secretions known as hormones. these glands also receive the internal and exteranal stimuli through nervous system and secrete hormones.
Question: 14
What is first aid.
Answer: 14
First aid is a help given at the place of accidents till the patients reach the hospitals to save their life.
Question: 15
Define Balanced diet.
Answer: 15
Balanced Diet: A balanced diet contain well-proportional quantity of all the macro nutrients and micronutrients according to our body demands in such a way that neither any nutrient is inexcess nor is deficient.
Question: 16
What is Lipids.
Answer: 16
Lipids are classified as.
Question: 17
What are Vitamins.
Answer: 17
These are the organic substances, which are needed in the bdy in fractions nly. they act as co-ensymes in most of chemical reaction in a body . The body cna not grow normally if they are not taken regularly.
Question: 18
Define carbohydrate.
Answer: 18
All the living organisms and almost all the cells have large amount of carbohydrates.Cellulose of wood, cotton and paper, starch present in the mucles of animals, lactose of milk and sucrose of sugarcane are all examples of carbohydrates.
Question: 19
Define Pituitary gland.
Answer: 19
It is a small gland equal to the size of pea. It is attached to the floor of the brain. As this gland controls the activites of all other glands, it is also known as " Master Gland"
Question: 20
What is Nervous system.
Answer: 20
Nervous system consists of brain, spinal cord and two types of nerves, These nerves interpret the internal and external stimuli and show suitable response. In addition to showing response they also co ordinate between different organs.
Question: 21
What is protein .
Answer: 21
The proteins are the most abundant of all the chemical substnaces in the cells after water.
Question: 22
Write role of lipids.
Answer: 22
1- Fats provide a large amount of energy to our body as compared to carbohydrates and proteins.

9th Class General-science Chapters Short Questions