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Question: 1
Define simple harmonic motion?
Answer: 1
Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and always directed towards the mean position.
Question: 2
How can you define term wave?
Answer: 2
Wave: A wave is disturbance in the medium which causes the particles of medium to undergo virbratory motion about their mean position in equal intervals of time.
Question: 3
What is time period?
Answer: 3
The time taken by vibrating body to complete its one vibration is called time period. .It is denoted by T. Its unit is second.
Question: 4
Difference between longitudinal and transverse waves with suitable example.
Answer: 4
Transverse waves: Waves in which particles of medium move perpendicular to the direction of propagation of waves are called transverse waves.
Example: Water waves.
Question: 5
Define vibration?
Answer: 5
One complete round trip of vibrating body abut its mean position is called one vibration.
Question: 6
Define frequency?
Answer: 6
The number of vibration or cycle of a vibrating body in one second is called its frequency.
It is reciprocal of time period i.g. f = I/T
Question: 7
Give relation between frequency and time period?
Answer: 7
The relation between frequency and time period is given below.
Question: 8
Define amplitude?
Answer: 8
The maximum displacement of a vibrating body on either side from its mean position is called amplitude. OR the distance between mean position and extreme position is called amplitude.
Question: 9
What is wave equation?
Answer: 9
The relation between the velocity, frequency and wavelength of wave is known as wave equation. i.e. v = f lamda
Question: 10
Difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Give examples of each.
Answer: 10
Mechanical waves: Wave which require any material medium for their propagation are called mechanical waves.
Example: i. Water wave
ii. Sound waves
Question: 11
What is ripple tank?
Answer: 11
Ripple tank is a device to produce water waves and to study their properties. Like reflection, refraction and diffraction.
Question: 12
What is reflection?
Answer: 12
When waves moving in one medium fall on the surface of another medium they bounce back into the first medium such that the angle or incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This phenomenon is called reflection of waves.
Question: 13
What is the displacement of an object in SHM when K.E. and P.E. are equal?
Answer: 13
In simple harmonic motion when K.E. and P.E. are equal then the displacement will be the half of amplitude of vibrating body.
Question: 14
Define refraction.
Answer: 14
When waves from one medium enter in the second medium at some angle their direction of travel may change.this phenomenon is called refraction of waves.
Question: 15
Think several examples of motion in every day life that are simple harmonic.
Answer: 15
i. Motion of pendulum clock ii. Motion of Ball in bowl
iii. Motion of spring iv. Motion of the prong of the tuning fork.
Question: 16
What id diffraction?
Answer: 16
The bending or spreading of waves around the sharp edges or obstacles is called diffraction.
Question: 17
What is meat by wave front?
Answer: 17
Wave front: The parts of waves where the motion of all particles of medium is same, these parts are called wave fronts.
Example: Crests.
Question: 18
Describe the structure of ripple tank/
Answer: 18
Ripple tank consist of a rectangular tray having glass bottom and is placed nearly half meter above the surface of a table. Waves can be produced on the surface of water present in the tray by means of a vibrator.