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Dear students, prepare for biology class 10th chapter 4 long questions. These important long questions are carefully added to get you best preparation for your 10th class biology ch. 4 exams.
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Question: 1
Write a note on cartilage.
Answer: 1
Question: 2
Write a note on bone.
Answer: 2
Question: 3
Write a note on humen skeleton.
Answer: 3
Question: 4
What is joint?Explain Different types of Joint.
Answer: 4
Question: 5
Explain the action of anatgoinst muscles at elbow joint?
Answer: 5
Question: 6
Write a note on Arthritis.
Answer: 6
Question: 7
Write a note on osteoporosis?
Answer: 7
Question: 8
<p class="MsoNormal">Define binary fission?</p>
Answer: 8

Binary fission mean division into too it is the simplest and most common method of asexual reproduction it occur in prokaryotic bacteria many unicellular eukaryotic protozoa and some invertebrates .

Question: 9
<p class="MsoNormal">Define reproduction and types of reproduction?</p>
Answer: 9

The process by which organisms produce new organisms of their own kind.

Types of reproduction:

Learnt the two basic types of reproduction

Asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction

Question: 10
<p class="MsoNormal">What is fermentation?</p>
Answer: 10

The process in which there is incomplete oxidation reduction of the organic substrate glucose.

Question: 11
<p class="MsoNormal">What is fermentation?</p>
Answer: 11

The process in which there is incomplete oxidation reduction of the organic substrate glucose.

Question: 12
<p class="MsoNormal">Describe spore formation in rhizopus?</p>
Answer: 12

When rizopus reaches reproduct age its body cells from thick walled spore sacs called sporangia inide each sporangium a cells divides many times and forms many daughter cells called spores .

Question: 13
<p class="MsoNormal">Define parthenogenesis?</p>
Answer: 13

A form of asexual reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into new off spring.

Question: 14
<p class="MsoNormal">Define vegetative propagation?</p>
Answer: 14

A type of asexual reproduction in which the vegetative parts of the plants i.e root atem or leaves produce new generation.

Question: 15
<p class="MsoNormal">What is cutting grafting?</p>
Answer: 15

Artificial vegetative propagation in which cutting are taken from stem or root of parent and are placed in soil.


In grafting a piece of stem is cut from the plant and is attached with another plant established root


Question: 16
<p class="MsoNormal">Define fertilization double?</p>
Answer: 16

The process of fertilization involves two fusions it is called double fertilization.

Question: 17
<p class="MsoNormal">What is alternation of generation?</p>
Answer: 17

In plants phenomenon in which the sporophyte and gametophyte generation alternative with each other.

Question: 18
<p class="MsoNormal">What is pollination?</p>
Answer: 18

The transfer of pollen grains from flowers another to stigma.

Question: 19
<p class="MsoNormal">What is semen name two glands which pour their recreation in it?</p>
Answer: 19

Third whorlic and roecium is the male reproductive part of flowers it units are called stamens.

Question: 20
<p class="MsoNormal">Give the difference between eplcotyle and hypocotyls?</p>
Answer: 20

The embroyonic stem above the paint of attachment of the cotyledon.


The embroyonic stem below the point of attachment of cotyledon.

Question: 21
<p class="MsoNormal">Define germination?</p>
Answer: 21

The process by which a seed embryo develops into a seeding.

Question: 22
<p class="MsoNormal">What is fertilization?</p>
Answer: 22

The fusion of male and female gemets to from a zyyote.

Question: 23
<p class="MsoNormal">What is mean by spermatogensis?</p>
Answer: 23

Spermatogenesis mean the formation of sperm.

Question: 24
<p class="MsoNormal">What is parthenocopy?</p>
Answer: 24

The process in which ovaries develop into fruit without the fertilization in the ovules present in them result in seedless fruit e.g bananas.

Question: 25
<p class="MsoNormal">What are prostate gland?</p>
Answer: 25

Prostate gland produce a secretion that neutralizes the acidity of the fluid.

Question: 26
<p class="MsoNormal">Define male and female gonads?</p>
Answer: 26

The male and female gametes sperms are produced in specialized organs called gonads.

Question: 27
<p class="MsoNormal">Difference between epigeal and hypogeal germination?</p>
Answer: 27

In epigeal germination the hypocotyls elonagates and forms a hook pulling the cotyledons above grand beans cotton and papaya are the example of seed that germinate this way.


In hypogeal germination the epicotyls, enlongates and forms the hook in this type of germination the cotyledon say underground.

Question: 28
<p class="MsoNormal">Difference Between self and cross pollination?</p>
Answer: 28

Sefl pollination is defined as the transfer of pollen grains from the another to the stigma of the same flower or other flowers of the same plant.

Cross pollination:

Cross pollination is transfer of pollen grains from flower on one plant to the flower on other plant of the same species.

Question: 29
<p class="MsoNormal">Define asexual reproduction?</p>
Answer: 29

Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes they are many types of asexual reproduction all producing individuals that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent.

Question: 30
<p class="MsoNormal">Difference between spares and endospores ?</p>
Answer: 30

The bacterial spores are also thick walled they are formed inside bacterial cells so are called endospores.